Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why does the Fucking Universe hate me?

Why, if I'm supposed to do this whatever fucking thing I'm supposed to be doing, am I experiencing opposition in just about every fucking endeavor I participate in. We got moved, the SO and my daughter are staying with a dear friend and I have my own apartment just a few houses down. That is Ok. My daughter is really enjoying school. That is Great! I had an opportunity for a part time job in which I would have made near as much as I made full time at my previous tech job. But, with the shit that happened in both that place and the travel job I've mentioned elsewhere, it makes me look a tad undesirable. Those situations were forced on me and I was most definantly wronged. My previous manager before the last job tried to coerce me to not leave, and as such told the travel company that I was not rehirable. I'm sure that is what they said to the potential employer in which I interviewed last week and have not heard from since. I don't know if it's their fault, or if this is just the way fucking VALIS is working. Well, I don't fucking like it. VALIS, watch it, I may soon take myself out of this little fucking game of yours. But alas, it's probably my game, too. VALIS, you motherfucker, I still have bills to pay!

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