Thursday, November 1, 2007


This is the first day for the much beloved National Novel Writing Month aka "NanoWriMo". It's a no-holds-barred, scramble-till-it's-done month long writing event, that allegedly has about 90,000 members this year. It's a come one, come all feast of words, ideas, blood (well, maybe not quite), sweat and tears, mixed well and hopefully tantamount to the beginnings of a story. It may only make sence to the author, but that's alright, too!

The object, I suppose, is to suppress the inner editor, the tendency to correct and revise as one continues to write the first draft. When this happens, at least when it happens to me, this squashes the naturally occurring creativity portal, and we begin to stall, not able to move forword with the momentum of the story. Who hasn't heard that before, right?

I'm hoping I can really do it this time. Good luck to all those who attempt this personal goal and endeavor. Godspeed!


Kappa no He said...

Sucker! No just kidding. I did it for two years in a row a couple years ago and managed to 'win'. It was fun. The community was really neat. But I found that I was so worried about my daily word count I ended up writing long rambling letters to anyone about anything just to get words out. Weekdays were okay, weekends hurt.

MDK said...

Yeah, that imposing word count. I'm already stressing and behind. However, I am further ahead this time than last year at this time. Woop!